суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

free character sheet

Iapos;ve been going through the accumulated paperwork of three decades of marriage. So much is way past any need for keeping that great piles of the stuff make their way to the trashcan. But tucked among the flotsam and jetsam of a lifetime are the treasures. One such came into the bedroom with me in a small pile of spiral-bound notebooks. Some of them contain dreams, poems and essays from the heart, and they need to be transcribed into digital memory. This morning, unable to go back to sleep at 6 a.m., I picked up a notebook and began to read. A full half of the thing contains a missing chapter, long gone and mourned, from The Mage Queen, the sequel of The Flower of Chivalry. Written a dozen years ago, it isnapos;t half bad, and totally explains how my protagonist, Delina of Rhyslan, returns to her family and kingdom from captivity. Both novels need rewrites and revision, but as I read the lost bits I got all excited about the tale once more. The books and I are ready for a second chance.

October is usually the month I pound out 50,000+ words by participating in the National Novel Writing Month, Nanowrimo, as itapos;s called. But this year, the cow has fallen in the well, and my time is better spent attacking the detritus of having lived far too long under the "tyranny of things." My house and my heart are better for it, and in a way itapos;s like Christmas morning finding so many lost and forgotten memories. Even old cards and letters are going into the shredder or just tossed in the trashbag. I read them, enjoy them, and with few exceptions, off they go--to infinity and beyond.

I voted this past week, sending in my absentee ballot the day after it arrived. So now Iapos;ve got three weeks to continue praying that Senator Obama wins. If youapos;re in the U.S. And donapos;t plan to register and vote, please give it a seond thought...there is still time to exercise your right to participate in government, no matter who your choice might be.

Thatapos;s it for now. Same old, same old. Erik turns 25 on the 26th and heapos;s celebrating by taking his best friend, Kevin, to Orlando for the opening game of the Orlando Magic, and trips to all the theme parks. Heapos;s grown so fast, and we love him so much...doesnapos;t seem possible that heapos;s a quarter-century old...but there he is, having to shave daily, the cut of his jaw and frame solid and angular...a man. He and his father have been the rocks upon which I lean and depend. My love and admiration are beyond reckoning for them.

Have great weekends, my cyber-friends. Hugs to all who will have them.

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